Are You Ready to Leave a Generational Inheritance & an Eternal Impact?

Cast Your Nets Ministries has been called to educate the body of Christ, transform your family's finances and spread the Gospel throughout the Earth. If you are ready to make an impact on the generations for the glory of God, join our community today! 

Are You Ready to Leave a Generational Inheritance and an Eternal Impact?

Cast Your Nets Ministries has been called to educate the body of Christ, transform your families finances and spread the Gospel throughout the Earth. If you are ready to make an impact on the generations for the glory of God,  join our community today! 

Who We Are & What We Provide

As a 508(c)(1)(A) organization we are uniquely positioned to help you with financial increase. Not only are we a part of the global Church but we actually operate as a church.

We are committed to helping you improve your financial situation. In addition, we actively support Christian mission efforts around the world to fulfill Jesus’ Great Commission.

Our leadership team has decades of successful business, financial and administrative experience. Before anything else, our team and board of directors are passionate lovers of Jesus the Christ. All is done for Him and to Him to the best of our ability. 

Our net profits support dozens of projects, ministries, ministers, churches and missionaries all over the world.

Our combined experience and success/fruit in the market place and ministry has afforded us a unique perspective for the times we live in.

What Separates Us From the Rest?

There are four differentiating factors on how we help you: personal support, simplicity, peace of mind and reliability.

  • Personal Support: We provide you with 1 on 1 attention and hold your hand every step of the way. You will have access to our team 24/7, 365 days a year.

  • Simplicity: Everything is straightforward and easy to understand. You do not need special technology or specific experience. We will handle everything for you.

  • Peace Of Mind: Traditional retirement is no longer safe. But we offer a cutting edge solution that is combined with over 150 years of real world experience with our senior team.

  • Reliability: We have partnered with the leading global technology company out of Israel To ensure a private, hassle-free and secure experience for you.

Secure Your Financial Future While Securing The Futures Of Those Less Fortunate

Join the CYNM Community & Experience Real Growth

We provide a wide range of opportunities to help you find the perfect fit for your faith and financial journey.

Additional Earnings:

Start your personal “wealth transfer” with our dedicated program specifically for those looking to build and maintain a healthy retirement fund.

Enroll in Online Courses:

Educate yourself with our in-depth courses that develop your skills and knowledge so you can tackle this new world of finance.

Worship With Us:

Join our live online worship services and events to keep your faith strong and your passion for Jesus alive and well.

Take Part in Your Kingdom Inheritance & Spread the Wealth

It is time to take the reins of your own destiny in God’s kingdom. Leave the worry of possible recession, shrinking 401Ks and inflating costs behind. Step into the “all things are possible” realm with us. 

We are not just concerned with financial wealth but the wealth of the soul. Just as it is stated in 1 John, “I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.”

CYNM is your faith-based, financial partner on mission to help the less fortunate. We come alongside you in this faith journey and help you:

  • Build confidence on how to secure your future wealth

  • Eliminate confusion on the new ways to cultivate wealth

  • Bypass the problem of not “having enough” to retire on time

  • Maintain a standard of living despite surrounding circumstances

  • Provide aid to the less fortunate while helping yourself

Trade in your heavy financial burden with Cast Your Nets Ministries. With our step-by-step guidance, compassionate care and inspiring education we will help you cast your financial net further than you ever thought possible.


"It Was Really A No-Brainer"

"Cast Your Nets has kept every promise that they have ever made. So when the Alternative Retirement Program was introduced, it was really a no-brainer for me to participate in it. We have already seen the fruit of the harvest! The first return came exactly as it was promised and it was significantly higher than anything that I have ever received as a return in the past!"

Pastor Jeeva Sam

"It is an Amazing Prayer Answered"

“They walked us through the process and it was a blessing. It is an amazing prayer answered to get to know this group. The way that they treat you, the way that they teach you and lead you for a better outcome on your retirement. I recommend you guys try to get to know Cast Your Nets Ministries.”

Joanna Hiraldo

"I Trust the People"

“Cast Your Nets Ministries has given me the opportunity to really upgrade and have an alternative retirement program that is really helping me to be more productive in my life. I know the people. I trust the people. I like the people. But more importantly I like what they're doing with their financial programs. It's about an influence. It's about making a difference.”

Dr. Joseph Umidi

"I'm Happy I Came On Board"

“I've got dreams. I've got visions. I've got things on my heart and it takes money to do those things. I was happy I came on board and pulled some of my IRA out. I have got to say that everything that Steve has promised, anything he has said he would do he has done. I've gotten one Harvest return and another one is on its way!

Carol Thiesen

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